Message from the Athletic Director

Bishop Feehan High School offers 27 varsity sports, as well as 21 junior varsity and freshman teams. The motto of the school, “Sanctity, Scholarship, Sportsmanship,” expresses our goal to produce young men and women who are grounded in spirituality, with a commitment to academics and a desire to have a positive attitude toward the success and accomplishment of others as well as themselves.
Our athletic program offers our students the opportunity to strive for excellence through physical training and interscholastic competition. Values such as hard work, discipline, humility, pride and courage are cornerstones of our athletic teams, helping us to develop athletes who are selfless teammates and active participants in our Bishop Feehan community. As Bishop Feehan Shamrocks, our student athletes understand that they represent our school and our beliefs each time they wear green and gold.
I am excited to be a part of the rich tradition of athletics at Bishop Feehan and look forward to supporting our Feehan Family for years to come.
God Bless & Go Shamrocks!
Christian Schatz